Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Jesus Heals

>Jesus Is In The Healing Business
>And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in
>their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the
>kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and
>all manner of disease among the people.  Matthew
>4:23  (KJV)
>You can draw the anointing of Jesus into your life
>to the point that it works all the time.
>God's intentions are clearly written in the word
>of God. God sent Jesus, The Son of Love, to heal
>all. And since the Son of Love is identically the
>same today, as He was yesterday and as He will be
>forever, then He is still healing all. Because if
>He is not healing all then He wouldn't be the
>Jesus is in the healing business. We find that out
>in Matthew chapters 4, 9, 10, and 14. Matthew
>14:14 tells us that Jesus was moved with
>compassion, and then healed all sicknesses and
>diseases. Now compassion is a manifestation of
>love. So He taught, He preached, He was moved with
>love, and He healed. Now, since He is the Son of
>Love, then He is Love. And you can't separate Him
>from love. For He is always moved with love. He is
>always moved with compassion. So He is continually
>healing us.
>Now, your healing is not based on whether or not
>someone else failed to receive the manifestation
>of healing. It is based on God's word.
>A lot of us don't have our healing because we know
>somebody that we thought was a great Christian and
>they didn't get healed. And because we can't
>measure up to them then we certainly can't get
>healed. But we need to understand, that is between
>them and God. You receiving your healing is
>between you and God. And God has provided for you
>His Word to read, medi tate upon, believe and
>receive for yourself. He loves you so much that He
>sent Jesus, the Son of Love, to save you, deliver
>you, and heal you. Now, receive your healing
>today, not based upon another person, but based
>upon the word of God. Just know that Jesus is
>still in the healing business.
>Scripture References: Matthew 10:38; 1 Peter 2:24;
>Matthew 9:35

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