Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Use Word Power

Use Word Power
Dr. Creflo A. Dollar
Have you ever seen a construction company try to build something without a blueprint? Of course not. The same thing applies to your life. You must have a blueprint (a vision or desire) of what you want to see come to pass, and then use words of faith to bring it into the physical realm.
God used words to create the world. By giving voice to His desires, He was able to see them manifest (Genesis 1:1-3). Proverbs 18:21 says that death and life are in the power of the tongue. Scripture also says that Jesus upholds all things by the word of His power (Hebrews 1:3). The Bible's emphasis on "word power" is worth your attention. Once you understand the impact of words, you will become inspired to use them to frame your world.
As a born-again Christian, you possess the same creative ability as God. You have the same authority to see what you say-whether positive or negative. Jesus emphasized the importance of not speaking carelessly. He even went so far as to say that every idle word spoken by men is subject to the judgment of God (Matthew 12:36). This warning makes it clear that God does not take your words lightly. The fact is that He gave you a mouth for a reason-to speak in line with His thoughts and purposes.
Wrong speaking works against the things God is trying to accomplish in your life and hinders the manifestation of abundance. The devil wants to see you fail (John 10:10). Since he knows your mouth and heart are connected, he wants to make sure that your heart is filled with his words instead of God's. Whatever is deposited in your heart through what you see and hear will come out of your mouth (Matthew 12:34).
You can become a diligent custodian over your words by focusing your mind on those things that are just, pure, lovely and of good report (Philippians 4:8). As you fill yourself with the Word by continually reading, meditating on and speaking scriptures that relate to your specific situation, you design a wonderful blueprint for your life!

Stay Focused

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