Thursday, May 21, 2009


MomentsPastor Olu Brown The longer I live the more I realize life is filled with moments - moments of pain, moments of joy, moments of triumph and moments of defeat. The writer of Ecclesiastes said it best when life was described in the picture of time: "There is a time for everything; and a season for every activity under heaven" (Ecclesiastes 3:1).The other day, I had one of those moments when I thought about my life. I received the news of a tragic accident that claimed the life of five people. In that moment, I reflected.I have often been guilty of taking my moments or my time for granted and filling them with complaints and fears that rob me of my peace. On that day, I realized just how precious every moment called life really is.It does not mean we live in constant fear of losing our lives and locking ourselves in the closet in hopes that tragedy will not find us. It does, however, mean that we open ourselves to life and the varying seasons of life. The good, the bad, through health and sickness, and we breathe deeply. We breathe in, exhale every moment, and give God thanks for that moment. My heart goes out for the families that will forever be changed because of their loss. I pray their strength and I pray their peace. I pray that those who are no longer with us will have rest in Glory. I also pray that those who remain will love every moment called life and live it to the fullest.

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