Monday, August 18, 2008

Surounded By the Peace of God

Surrounded by the Peace of God
Bishop Keith Butler
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7 (KJV)
When you pray in a way that leads to praise and thanksgiving to God, then you're experiencing the peace of God. And when the peace of God comes on you, you are in the zone, baby. You're resting in God.
Now, the amplified translation says that the peace of God will garrison and mount guard over your heart and your mind. Your mind is what gets you in trouble? Well, the peace of God will garrison and mount guard over your mind when you pray, supplicate and give thanks. Make a special note of that.
It is as though you were in the middle of a circle of three people. If an intruder tried to get to you, he could not because those people would protect you. Well, the enemy will try to get you out of this circle of peace, because he kno ws if he doesn't get you out of this, you're going to be in the rest of God. And if you're in the rest of God, your faith is working. And if your faith is working, then God will move on your behalf. If your faith is working, it's going to release the power of God - jail opening power, shackle-falling off power, deliverance power. Glory to God!
Now, here you are praying and thanking God. So the enemy comes frontally and he can't get in that way. Then he'll come on the right side, but he can't get in there, because peace is surrounding you. Then he'll come from the left and cannot enter in, because peace is surrounding your heart and mind.
As long as you surround yourself with the peace of God, you are surrounded with something that the cannot penetrate. When you refuse to be worried, refuse to be anxious, refuse to be fearful, and you pray, supplicate, and give thanks to God, you get His protection, surrounding your mind, surrounding your h eart, and the enemy can't get through that anointing.
So it's not enough to pray. You must pray and supplicate and give thanks. You may need to catch up on your thanksgiving. You've been praying for years but thanking God for minutes. Take the time now to pray, supplicate and give thanks to God, thereby surrounding yourself in God's peace.
Scripture References: John 14:27; Romans 5:1; Colossians 3:15

Stay Focused

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