Friday, August 22, 2008

But I Say Unto You

But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those
>who curse you, do good to
>those who hate you, and pray for those who
>spitefully use you and persecute
>Matthew 5:44
>It is not an easy thing to forgive those who have
>hurt us much less love
>them. Sometimes it seems like an impossible task.
>Our thirst for revenge
>fuels our anger and will lead us down a lonely and
>bitter road that is
>easier to get to than to return from. God loves
>all of His creation. God's
>love isn't something we earn it just is. He loved
>us before we loved Him,
>before we knew Him. He loved us at our worst. His
>love and mercy have been
>extended toward us and we have received it freely.
>Just as freely we must
>let go of our anger and allow the Holy Spirit to
>tend to His business of
>dealing with their hearts and we must continue to
>love. God will heal and
>restore our hearts and lives. Love never fails.
>Lord forgive us for holding on to anger and
>allowing it to make our hearts
>bitter. We choose to let go of the anger and
>resentment and place it in your
>hands. Let us do good to all regardless of
>circumstance not looking for
>anything in return. Take us beyond our natural
>tendencies for revenge and
>fill our hearts with your unconditional perfect
>love. Holy Spirit minister
>to their hearts. Amen.

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